Black Seed Bitters
Cleanse and totally detoxify your body with black seed bitters. The #1 reason these bitters are essential is because they are one of the only ways to prevent and relieve auto-intoxication.
What is auto intoxication? This is when constipation and poor bowel movements can lead to the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream. This absorption is a form of self-poisoning or "auto-intoxication". Your digestive system is connected to the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and once the toxins settle into the body tissues many diseases can run rampant. Some of these diseases include diverticulitis, colon cancer, arthritis. Other side effects of auto intoxication are headaches, brain fog, depression, obesity, bad breath, indigestion, gas, bloating, and body odor. It has also been reported that women who are frequently constipated are four times more likely to develop breast cancer. Take control of your health today with these 100% natural bitters.
16 oz. H-034
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Spiritual Tools, Information, Books, and Natural Healing
SKU: H-034
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